Monday, November 11, 2013

My name isn't Booie anymore. It's Ms. Lopez

I must be living in an ulterior universe.  Unless my eyes fail me (which they are as of last year), I am certain we are living at a friends house, with not a cent to buy a birthday present for my son with tomorrow, and you stole my silver jewelry when you were kicked out of the guest bedroom last night, after you kicked me off the bed.  Wow, what a luck-y girl I am!! Any one want to switch places with me?  Anyone? Anyone?

YET, this is the quote I copy and pasted directly from your Skype message tonite.  Enjoy todays Words of Twaddle, straight from #3's never ending pie hole.  " I (we) made enough money for whatever makes you happy booie."
Funny, you don't seem to be gakked out on coke or codeine either, and we know how a certain someone (you) has a strong addiction to both.  And, money is no object according to your big boy words.  So unless I am unknowingly living on planet Zog, I have no concept of reality in all sense of the word. 
Dude, get a grip.  I don't love you anymore.  I certainly don't like you anymore either.  You don't even offer me a pill, and just expect me to swoon all over you?  Time for someone to get another Maiditute, cuz this one is out.
P.S. What a shame that the U AND the Dolphins lost so badly these past two games, tonite and Saturday.  Boo f-ing hoo. 

I (we) made enough money for whatever makes you happy booie.


  1. Yes, at least offer a girl a pill!

  2. If only I could buy some courage to go say these things to his face. What an inspirational biotch I would be! Time to go suck my thumb in the fetal position in the corner.
