Monday, November 4, 2013

Blog, shmog. I am only here because...

What the hell, tumblr?  Only three posts a day?  Maybe your average happy housewife with her own reality show contains herself to three thoughts worthy of all the complexities of typing.  I have three thoughts just trying to think from this written word to the next, so limit to only three?  Thank you Google for giving me circles, letting me correspond to other anonymous cowards, and offering so much more than three postings a day.  And yes, I want it all for free.  Don't we all?
My husband is right next to me, and has no idea what I am writing, and probably doesn't care the slightest.  He is too busy telling me about why he doesn't need a rack server, and how cool he is because he can format one in 14 minutes.  In actuality, he is such a miserly bastard that we are staying with friends and mootching off their computers, food, and in-house maid services while trying to continue building his ebusiness, a little project he has been working on for, well, since we met.  He has a huge head, and I read that humans with large craniums actually do have more brain capacity and higher intelligence quotients, which also means he is borderline psycho.  I have more evidence to support my words.  You'll just have to read through a lot of my  force-fed, ADD comprised venting to comprehend.  In all actuality, I am writing to work past my abuse enabling feelings and thoughts, without prejudice.  And because I am in the midst of a manuscript, my memoir, where I am only scribing the good, blingy stories of my life, as |I remember it.  Those in-between, not so shiny stories need to go somewhere.  Probably in another book, yes, but in the meantime, the sorted daily diaries of this madwoman will be found here.  Enjoy, or not.  Bye for now!


  1. I think I love you! I shared this on facebook.

    1. Sorry, I'm unwillfully taken, but easily swayed. I shared you too, but since I am friendless (and anonymous for a multitude of reasons) don't expect the floodgates to open just yet. And I tweeted you. Does this make me a stalker? I need a new disorder, so I sure hope so.

    2. LMAO! Stalk away! I don't really get twitter, so don't do much with that.
